Posts Tagged ‘architecture’


Armory Proposal Noam Bramson Didn’t Want the Public to See – UPDATED PART 3

September 29, 2012
Bramson Sabotages Bidding Process

Mayor Plays Another Attack on the Bidding Process

The teckies over at Talk of the Sound have uploaded part 3 of the presentation by SHoP Architects. Please take a look!


Our friends over at Talk of the Sound have been gracious enough to provide a video of the proposal that was presented to the public on behalf of the ReImagine New Rochelle Group comprised of the Committee to Save Our Armory, New Rochelle Opera and Local Veterans Groups. Keep in mind ALL council members, along with the mayor, city manager and department of development staff were invited to the viewing. Only Council members Trangucci and Tarrantino considered it important enough to be present. This presentation was in response to the Request for Proposals (RFP) issued by the city for the adaptive re-use of the New Rochelle Armory. YOUR Armory. In an effort to short circuit the possible success of this proposal, Mayor Bramson chose to push through a no-notice, unscheduled, surprise vote that, on it’s

We believe the process was flawed in it’s execution and we will continue to flush out the details that will support that contention. Now, more than ever we would appreciate your support, Get involved, step up and speak out.  Let’s get a fair assessment of the plans that will shape the future of New Rochelle.

Follow the latest news here and on Talk of the Sound.
To view the presentation video

For part 1 click HERE

For part 2 click HERE

For part 3 click HERE


Save The Armory – Save New Rochelle

June 4, 2012


New Rochelle Armory

Shaping Our Future By Preserving the Past

It rises up from its knoll to command its surroundings. A veritable fortress of pre-war brick and vintage architecture, this depression era icon is a dedication to the American Spirit.   The vast, truss-framed barrel roof has provided shelter to generations of soldiers and families. The vaulted wall of arch top windows at either end forge the daily sunshine into shafts of light that dance across a prairie sized floor.  Tinker, tailor, soldier, and sports heroes alike have all shared that sunshine in the once vibrant and community-centered facility. Sending young soldiers off to war, sporting events and the arts have woven the fabric of New Rochelle’s “Rich History”. This building is ready to breathe life back into the City but it needs YOUR help, NOW !

“But what can I do?”– It’s the most common question asked and yet it’s the easiest to answer. Get involved!

  • Ø Come to our next meeting. Thursday, June 7th at the American Legion Post 8, 112 North Ave. New Rochelle at 7:30 P.M.
  • Ø Visit our website and sign up for our newsletter, learn about the Armory’s rich and distinguished history
  • Join the Save Our Armory Committee as we shape the future. Volunteers are needed at all levels such as fundraising, technical support and canvassing.

Every great journey begins with the first step. Your first step.


Investing in the Future by Preserving the Past

February 9, 2011
Post Card of the New Rochelle Armory ca.1930's

             Pristine and Ready for Service to the Community and the World                 (photo courtesy of  Bill – Thanks!)

Inspired by the need to provide for the National Defense, this building trained, mustered and sent off countless military groups to defend and protect our interests at home and abroad. Training and drills kept the troops sharp and at the ready for the moment when duty called. That’s just part of the service this iconic building provided to this city and region. Sporting events, dances and performances filled the hall bringing the community together in celebration of the lifestyle our freedom afforded us. She also served in times of tragedy as volunteer efforts rallied to marshal supplies to assist in the days following what would become this generation’s Pearl Harbor as the tragic events of September 11th unfolded before a nation’s eyes. Throughout World War 2, Vietnam, Korea, Desert Storm, and terrorist attacks, this monument to the American spirit stood fast and at the ready to do what she could for a proud society.

Wouldn’t it be shameful on all of us to let this historic monument fade into oblivion in the interest of taxpayer subsidized housing? Wouldn’t the community enrichment provided by historic interpretation, encouragement of the arts and the competition of youth sports be the most sincere form of tribute a grateful society could impart upon future generations. Sparking the minds of our children by showing them the possibilities that lay in front of them. To bring out the best of what New Rochelle has to offer and capture that American spirit again?

Together we can bring back the connections to our rich history, to let future generations know we’ve done all we can to give them their chance to shine.

Stay informed,  stay involved, and most of all, stay the course.

It’s YOUR Armory. Use it!